Our expertise covers specialist areas including:
We work with your professional team of advisors including your accountants and financial planners.
As well as his Law Degree, Patrick Sutton has a Commerce Degree majoring in Accounting and an Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning. This assists him in working with your professional advisors to ensure that all aspects of your estate plan, which may include your Will, enduring Power of Attorney, superannuation beneficiary nominations, life insurance and control of your companies and/or trusts are dealt with in a complimentary manner to ensure that the right assets are given to the right people at the right time and in the most tax effective manner.
We also have an affiliation with a Brisbane based legal practice that provides specialist advice including Taxation and Revenue advice, Superannuation advice and Corporate and Commercial advice where that specialist assistance is required.
Please make a start with our sophisticated online estate planning tool straight away. You can start learning about the estate planning process, and provide us with the information we need to start on your estate planning.
Looking for assistance? Contact us today.
Call : 07 4758 5656
law@lsnq.com.au Mon – Fri 08:30-17:00